RESHETNEV Company always strains after the best quality; this is why we have introduced a new quality management system, which meets the requirements of international, national and space industry standards.
Our highly efficient quality management system is based on 9000 series ISO methodology standards for quality management. The success of the system is ensured by adherence to the following principles:
- Customer oriented approach;
- Process approach to the company’s activity;
- Authority and responsibility of the company’s leading personnel;
- Involving company’s personnel into tackling issues and achieving goals;
- Systemic approach to quality assurance;
- Factually based approach to preventing discrepancies;
- Continuous progress;
- Win-win partnerships with suppliers and co-executors.
We rely on a standard product quality assurance framework, which is based on the principles listed above, as well as the ECSS space technology standards. A well-defined structure of the framework, step by step, covers all the activities carried out in RESHETNEV Company to produce platforms and satellites of higher quality. The framework also reflects the company's rules, which have been consolidated through recent projects for the manufacture of telecommunications, broadcasting, television, relay, navigation and geodesy satellites. We also pay great attention to the policy, organization and standardization of work at all stages of the manufacturing of various purpose spacecraft and other space products with regard to the following areas:
- Products quality assurance management;
- Subcontractor PA management;
- Design and development control;
- Reliability, safety, reparability assurance;
- Ensuring product robustness to external factors;
- Electronic components quality assurance program;
- Onboard software quality assurance;
- Materials and technology processes quality assurance;
- Product quality assurance during manufacturing and testing;
- Configuration control by means of requirements and documentation.
The company's specialists participate in design reviews and take care to ensure the compliance of the manufactured products with the established requirements at all stages of satellite manufacturing. They also hold audits and ongoing inspections of subcontractors' quality management systems to assess the completeness and sufficiency of actions related to the assurance of their products.
RESHETNEV’s quality management system meets the requirements of national and industry standards in accordance with the Federal Space Technology Certification System.