Active work on the EXPRESS-AMU4 project

Active work on the EXPRESS-AMU4 project

RESHETNEV company is bringing the EXPRESS-AMU4 communication and broadcasting into fruition.

The satellite is going to be housed by the unified EXPRESS-1000 platform. The company is manufacturing all the necessary in-house equipment developed for the platform. Some of the platform units of the service subsystems are being produced by other Russian companies.

Being one of the sides responsible for the EXPRESS-AMU 4 payload production, RESHETNEV company producing it alongside with the contractors.

In order to qualify the produced service subsystems, payload devices, and technical solutions applied for the first time RESHETNEV carries out experimental testing on ground.

EXPRESS-AMU4 is going to operate at the GEO 36 000 km for at least 15 years.

The new satellite has been commissioned by FSUE Space Communications national operator and shall provide telecommunication services for the benefit of Russia.

Feb 04, 2025