Data relay satellites manufactured by RESHETNEV company have successfully accomplished their task during ANGARA-A5 launch vehicle and ORION upper stage launch from Vostochny cosmodrome.
Multi-purpose data relay satellite system LOUTCH has successfully managed data support of ANGARA-A5 launch vehicle and ORION upper stage launch from Vostochny cosmodrome.
LOUTCH-A5 and LOUTCH-B5 satellites ensured transmission of telemetry from ORION upper stage to the mission control center while the upper stage was out of the domestic ground facilities area of view. Excellent LOUTCH satellites operation enables MCC team to monitor ORION condition, which delivered testing payload into the injection orbit.
LOUTCH-A5 and LOUTCH-B5 satellites are currently operating at GEO 167°E and 16°W orbital slots.